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LegalWatch is democratising legal information and making it easier to access

Every day in Australia there are literally hundreds of useful articles written by Australian lawyers published on the internet.

The problem is that you would literally need to spend days trying to find many of those articles as they’re often buried deep within the millions of search results that may not relate to the legal topic.

LegalWatch has curated over 30,000 articles written by Australian lawyers, available via a simple search.

LegalWatch is an initiative of Australia’s leading law firm marketing and technology company Fast Firms.

The Latest Articles


What Happens When the Court Disagrees with Consent Order?

When a court disagrees with a consent order, it won’t be approved as-is. The judge will usually outline specific reasons for their disagreement. This could be due to the order being unfair, unreasonable, not adequately considering the needs of any children involved, or if one party was pressured into the agreement. In these scenarios, the...


Setting Aside Consent Orders Family Law: Is it Possible?

Yes, it is possible to set aside consent orders in family law, but it can only be done under specific circumstances and usually requires demonstrating a valid legal ground. Consent orders, which are agreements formally approved by a court and thus carry the same legal force as a judge’s ruling, are generally considered final....


Deal profile | Gadens advises Viva Leisure on the acquisition of iFitness 24/7

Gadens has advised Viva Leisure Operations Pty Ltd (a wholly owned subsidiary of Viva Leisure Limited (ASX: VVA)) on the recent acquisition of iFitness 24/7, a leading health club operator in the Northern Territory. The addition of four new locations marks Viva Leisure’s inaugural entry into the Northern Territory market, elevating its portfolio to 173...


Metcash’s proposed acquisition of Superior Food Services not opposed

26 April 2024 The ACCC will not oppose Metcash Trading Limited’s (Metcash) (ASX:MTS) proposed acquisition of wholesale food distributor SFG Group Holdings Pty Ltd, trading as Superior Food Services (Superior). Superior purchases a wide range of food products from suppliers and distributes them to food service businesses such as restaurants, cafes, hotels and clubs, petrol and...


Forum: Who can and can’t stand for election?

Who can be elected to your strata committee? More to the point, who can’t? The answer to the first question, in NSW at least, is just about anybody, including non-owners provided they are nominated by an owner who isn’t standing for election. The answer to the second is more complicated. Building managers and real...


No waiting: You can dump committee duds now

I have a few words of encouragement and comfort for anyone who thinks they are stuck with a dysfunctional committee, or is on a committee with a destructively disruptive member. You don’t have to wait for your next AGM to fix things. Under NSW laws that came into effect earlier this year, if you...


Podcast: Flat with its own clink is a hard cell

This week’s Flat Chat Wrap covers a lot of ground. including aprison cell in in a studio flat– seriously! – in the same small town in England where our very own Sue Williams cut her journalist teeth. We take a long, hard and highly suspicious look at how real estate pictures are altered to...



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Reform is on the Horizon – Changes to Family Law in 2024

Australia’s family law system is about to undergo its most significant changes for about 20 years. The reforms are aimed at modernizing and simplifying the family law system and to place a greater emphasis on safety for families, and children. How the Courts will interpret and implement the changes remains The post Reform is on...


FGD Bali Conference 2024

When FGD first starting taking our staff to Bali in the late 90’s we were a much smaller firm, around 15 people. Fast forward to Easter 2024 where 89 staff from across our 4 offices embarked on our bi-annual Bali conference to strengthen our professional relationships, exchange insights and rejuvenate our state of minds. We...


Tragic Fatality on Rural Dirt Road in Milang, South Australia

The driver and sole occupant’s car hit a power pole on Tuesday afternoon.


Karina Abel Remembered After Fatal Crash in Warwick, Perth

Her family said she would be remembered as a loving fiancée, stepmother, daughter and aunty.


Building long-term integrity in the voluntary carbon market

In recent years, an important question has arisen in relation to the voluntary carbon market (VCM) as it continues to expand: How do we elevate and maintain its integrity?


Common Misconceptions About Asbestos and Silica Claims in NSW

Navigating the waters of asbestos claims in New South Wales (NSW) can be daunting, especially with the myriad of myths surrounding the process. Many retired workers suffering from asbestos or silica related diseases like asbestos related pleural disease, asbestosis, lung cancer, mesothelioma or silicosis, are often hesitant to explore their legal rights due to...


How To Start A Small Company 

Most companies start off on a small scale. As a matter of fact, small companies and businesses dominate the business landscape. It’s not the ambition of every entrepreneur to run a large, corporate powerhouse. Moreover, small companies are often tiny but mighty. It doesn’t matter if your plan is to take your small company to the...


How Many Shares Should A Company Start With?

When you start a company, the choices you make surrounding shares and shareholders is going to significantly influence the future and direction of your company. So, when you form a company you’ll need to ask yourself a number of important questions regarding shares. One of the most integral questions will be, how many shares should...


Child sexual offences – failing to take steps to stop offending by others

In recent years a great deal of attention has been focused on the role of organisations in preventing or enabling child sexual abuse. In particular, the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse examined the manner in which institutions such as churches and schools had historically responded to offending of this nature...



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