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LegalWatch is democratising legal information and making it easier to access

Every day in Australia there are literally hundreds of useful articles written by Australian lawyers published on the internet.

The problem is that you would literally need to spend days trying to find many of those articles as they’re often buried deep within the millions of search results that may not relate to the legal topic.

LegalWatch has curated over 30,000 articles written by Australian lawyers, available via a simple search.

LegalWatch is an initiative of Australia’s leading law firm marketing and technology company Fast Firms.

The Latest Articles


Parental alienation in family law

Parental alienation in the context of family law refers to a situation where one parent (or sometimes another caregiver) engages in behaviours that undermine the child’s relationship with the other parent. These behaviours can range from subtle to overt and may include: Negative speaking: One parent consistently speaks negatively about the other parent in front...


Ex-Safety Officer Accuses Meriton of Flouting Safety Regulations at Gold Coast Project

Introduction A former safety officer at Meriton’s Iconica project in Surfers Paradise has come forward with serious allegations regarding unsafe working conditions and a culture of intimidation at the billion-dollar construction site. Steve Woollett, who walked off the job last November, claims that high-risk practices were repeatedly ignored despite numerous worker injuries and crackdowns...


Woolworths Mandates Three-Day-Per-Week Office Return for 10,000 Staff by October

Introduction Woolworths, one of Australia’s largest retailers, has mandated that 10,000 support office staff return to the office for a minimum of three days per week by October. This move aligns with a growing trend among major corporations globally, as businesses reassess their hybrid work models to prioritize collaboration, innovation, and customer responsiveness. Currently,...


How To Start A Credit Card Processing Company

More purchases are being made online than ever before. With the rise of digital transactions, people are swapping cash for the convenience of credit cards, choosing to tap, swipe, and go. It’s no surprise — credit cards are easy to carry, quick to use, and widely accepted.But behind every seamless transaction is a credit...


Breaking Down the Difference Between Murder and Manslaughter

In Australia, as in many other countries, there is a difference between murder and manslaughter.The difference is mainly in the intent and degree of culpability attached to the act that results in the death of another person. Here’s a brief rundown of the difference between murder and manslaughter in Australia: Murder is the more...


What can I do if I have reached an agreement with my former partner/spouse over our property?

Reaching agreement with your former partner/spouse regarding property settlement is a great relief for all involved. Once you have reached an agreement, it is important that you formalise the property settlement agreement, even where both parties agree on the outcome. There are significant advantages to formalising your property settlement agreement, one of the most is...


Strata Management Disclosure Updates: What is the big deal?

Some key changes to the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 came into effect on 3 February 2025 with the equivalent changes have been made to the Community Land Management Act 2021. These changes were: New disclosure and approval requirements for accepting commissions, training or other benefits under s57 of the SSMA. The requirements apply to strata managing...


How To: Amend A Strata Management Statement

Strata Management Statements (SMS) exist in the context of mixed-used developments, where the development is subdivided into stratum lots which may then be subdivided into one or more strata schemes. For example, a building may have a retail stratum lot on the ground floor, a commercial stratum lot on the first floor and a...


Article 6: Opportunities for the private sector

At COP29, the rules required to operationalise the Paris Agreement’s Article 6 carbon trading mechanisms were finalised, marking a significant milestone in global climate efforts.


The Biggest Legal Mistakes People Make During Separation (and How to Avoid Them with Family Lawyers Free Consultation)

Separation is one of the most challenging experiences a person can go through. It brings emotional, financial, and legal difficulties, and without the right guidance, people often make mistakes that can have long-term consequences. Whether it’s failing to secure a formal property settlement, making verbal agreements without legal protection, or not considering the impact...


New strata manager laws: $110k fine warning

The new strata manager laws on cozy deals, commissions and kickbacks carry fines of up to $110,000 for strata managers who flout them.


South Australia releases draft Biodiversity Bill 2025 (SA)

On 21 January 2025 the South Australian Government released the draft Biodiversity Bill 2025 (SA) (Biodiversity Bill). The Biodiversity Bill is open for public consultation until 18 February 2025.


Major update: The NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer’s report on the “Management of asbestos in recovered fines and recovered materials for beneficial reuse in NSW” is now available

In December 2022, and with a view to informing changes to policy and/or legislation, the previous NSW Minister for the Environment asked the Office of the Chief Scientist & Engineer (OCSE) to provide a report on the management of asbestos in recovered fines and materials for beneficial reuse (the Report).



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Checking How Many Points on Red Ps

Checking how many points on red Ps you have is important. Why? A provisional P1 licence has a very limited number of allowable demerit points. Checking it from time to time is mandatory because the ‘points on red Ps’ is amount of demerit points you can get on red Ps. If you reach the...


Family Report – what is it and how do I prepare?

A family report is used to provide a court with an independent, expert view of the issues surrounding disputes in parenting arrangements. It’s an important piece of evidence, and is prepared by an independent third party, usually an experienced social worker or psychologist. The report will look at the co-parenting relationship and make recommendations about the...


When Not If the Intended Parents Become Parents

The road to parenthood through surrogacy may not always be smooth, but with the right approach, it’s not a matter of if, but when you’ll welcome your child. Key Takeaways: Science is on your side—swap the parts (sperm, egg, or carrier), and success is inevitable. There are only four reasons surrogacy might not work—and we’ve got videos...


Expanded Leadership Role for Allison Caputo

We are pleased to announce that Allison Caputo has taken on an expanded leadership role within the firm. Originally joining as Head of Dispute Resolution, Allison has now been appointed as Head of Family Law – in addition to her existing role. In this dual capacity, she will oversee both Mediation and Family Law...


How To Start A Dress Rental Business

“What am I going to wear?!”Most people have felt that last-minute panic at least once.When a special occasion comes up, it’s easy to rummage through your wardrobe, only to feel like you have nothing to wear. Buying a brand-new outfit for a single event often feels wasteful — especially when it ends up sitting...