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LegalWatch is democratising legal information and making it easier to access

Every day in Australia there are literally hundreds of useful articles written by Australian lawyers published on the internet.

The problem is that you would literally need to spend days trying to find many of those articles as they’re often buried deep within the millions of search results that may not relate to the legal topic.

LegalWatch has curated over 30,000 articles written by Australian lawyers, available via a simple search.

LegalWatch is an initiative of Australia’s leading law firm marketing and technology company Fast Firms.

The Latest Articles


Forum: Happy strata owner breaks the mould

Happy strata owner, confused about privacy, Tribunal tension, grabbing back CP land, and OC refuses to fix mould problem - all in this week's Forum.


Who, What, Where with Bridie McGovern

Click below for who, what, where with Graduate Bridie McGovern. Hear how long she’s been at Cooper Grace Ward Lawyers, what she would be doing if she wasn’t working in law and what she loves about her job. The post Who, What, Where with Bridie McGovern appeared first on Cooper Grace Ward.


Gold Cost ADSS Morning Tea – February 18, 2025

Turner Freeman Lawyers and the Asbestos Disease Support Society (ADSS) invite you to a Morning Tea Information Seminar in Nerang on the Gold Coast this February. This free event offers a chance for individuals, carers, families, and friends to come together, enjoy morning tea, and hear from expert speakers about asbestos, silica, and dust-related...


Podcast: Would you share a flat with Boomers?

It's cheaper but, we ask in this week's podcast, is flat-sharing a viable answer for the old and lonely? Plus, the strata law we keep having to litigate.


(WIP) New industry standards for online safety: what service providers need to know

Deadline to carry out risk assessments is fast approaching 8 min read Certain online service providers must complete a risk assessment and implement required compliance measures by 21 June 2025. This relates to the following types of material: child sexual exploitation pro-terrorism extreme crime and violence (Class 1A material) crime and violence drug-related material (Class 1B material). This is required by two...


Back on ABC radio, more often and at a new time

JimmyT is back on ABC Afternoons with James Valentine, now every second Tuesday, just after the 2pm news bulletin.


Pigdon Norgate and Team Recognised in Doyles Guide 2025

Pigdon | Norgate and our team of dedicated family lawyers has again been recognised in the Doyles Guide as leaders in our field: Suzanne Pigdon has been recognised as a Leading Family Lawyer for Sydney and Leading High-Value Family Lawyer in NSW. Rosemary Norgate has been recognised as a Leading Family Lawyer for Sydney...


Navigating Divorce in Australia: A Comprehensive Guide

KEY TAKE OUTS: In Australia, to file for divorce, you must be legally married, separated for at least 12 months, and meet residency requirements. The court does not consider the reasons for the marriage breakdown, as Australia follows a ‘no-fault’ divorce system. If you are separated and living under the same roof, it can be tricky...



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ACCC denies authorisation for industry code on marketing of infant formula

06 February 2025 The ACCC has denied authorisation sought by the Infant Nutrition Council for an industry code which seeks to restrict the advertising and promotion of infant formula. The Infant Nutrition Council sought authorisation to continue to implement the Marketing in Australia of Infant Formula: Manufacturers and Importers Agreement (MAIF Agreement) and its associated guidelines...


Do I Have a Personal Injury Claim?

If you’ve been injured due to an accident or someone else’s actions, you may be wondering if you have a personal injury claim in New South Wales (NSW). Personal injury law can be complex, but understanding the basic concepts and steps involved can help you determine if you’re entitled to compensation. Below, we break...


Receiving gifts when acting as an Enduring Power of Attorney

An Enduring Power of Attorney is a formal document where a person (“the principal”) appoints someone else to make decisions on their behalf (“the attorney”). In many cases, the principal is a parent who chooses to appoint their adult child as the attorney. On occasion, the parent may gift money to that child. If you...


How to avoid prosecution for the new wage theft offence.

KEY TAKE AWAYS: What is the new wage theft offence under the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth)? How can employers avoid prosecution for the new offence? Following the lodgement of the Voluntary Small Business Wage Compliance Code Declaration 2024 (The Code) on the Federal Register of Legislation, the new wage theft criminal offence came into effect on...


So You Want a Divorce?

Deciding to get a divorce is never easy. Whether it’s been a long time coming or a sudden shift, the process can feel overwhelming. There’s a lot to think about—your finances, your children, your property—and, of course, the legal steps to finalise your separation.The good news? Divorce doesn’t have to be as daunting as...


So What Is a Parenting Plan?

Parenting after separation can feel like navigating uncharted waters. How do you make sure your kids feel supported? How do you manage the logistics? And how do you minimise conflict while still meeting everyone’s needs?This is where a parenting plan comes in. Think of it as a roadmap to help you and your ex-partner...



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Leading family lawyer Peter Morris joins innovative distributed law firm

Leading family lawyer Peter Morris joins innovative distributed law firm Peter Morris, a distinguished family lawyer with over 25 years of experience, has transitioned his practice, the pioneering distributed law firm redefining the delivery of legal solutions. Joining him is Legal Assistant, Hannah Wells. Together, they bring their expertise and client-focused approach to...


What happens in the event of the death of a separated parent?

In the event of the death of a separated parent, the care and living arrangements for their child or children are influenced by various factors, including whether or not the parents have court orders in place at the time of the death, the safety of the child or children in the care of the...



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