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NAT: Winter is Officially Here!

Keeping a house warm during winter can be quite expensive. However, keeping a building warm? – That’s an entirely different & a lot more complex story. But don’t worry: we are here to help.

NSW: NCAT Approves Security FOB By-Law

In a recent decision, NCAT upheld a security fob by-law made by an owners corporation. This is a good decision as it demonstrates that appropriately worded security fob and access key by-laws can be made by owners corporations.

QLD: Something can be done about unfair and unbalanced Caretaking Agreements

When a new scheme is developed, it is the developer who determines the caretaking and letting agreement for the scheme. Often due to inexperience or being motivated to find another source of revenue (and profit) for the project, a developer will thrust upon a body corporate unfair and inappropriate agreements for the purpose of selling it to a third party.

QLD: Renewing Strata Insurance Increases

We would all be aware of the ‘At Least Every 5 Years Rule’ for insurance valuations. These independent valuations are compulsory and provide a reliable basis for establishing the Building Sum Insured (BSI) for our annual strata insurance. Difficulties emerge when determining the appropriate BSI for those intervening years between valuations.